
We believe each student has a latent potential to become what they want. Northern Hills Academy will help you to bring forth your child’s hidden potential with our unique program that aims at bridging the gap between the physical (Dunya) and metaphysical (Al Akhirah).

All students need to do is to follow our set guidelines, you have joined Northern Hills Academy with a distinct purpose and unwavering determination to become Hafizul Quran, Ulma, Qari and  Professionals like scientists, doctors, engineers, pharmacists, journalists, lawyers and whatever you dream of becoming.

By choosing Northern Hills Academy as your school you are embarking on a new journey. Our regular school starts from 8am and goes till 2:30 pm. They also study Arabic Language as a curriculum. All classes are taught by qualified staff.

Children have great potential, from the age of 5-15 are formative years for them and it is up to the parents and institutions to help shape their future using the proper tools. As Muslims it is our responsibility as parents and educators to provide a balance between this life and the hereafter. We should set balanced goals for our children, where they excel in this life while keeping a strong hold of Allah.