
“Are those who know equal to those who know not?”’ (39:9)

The NHAP Library and Information Centre is a valuable educational asset and the epicentre of the school with competitive technologies. Membership is available to all students, staff, parents and guardians and it is the library's aim to promote a reading culture in a user friendly and vibrant learning environment.

In the Library members have access to a wide collection of materials including; fiction, non-fiction, playaways, audiobooks, journals and publications. We also have growing access to online data bases for research. Staff at school are able to assist with study and offer information literacy classes which support the curriculum and encourage students to become both information literate and critical users of information.

A love of literature is promoted through enrichment activities such as our annual book week and other fun activities. In addition to the junior and senior collections the library includes teaching space, quiet student areas, comfortable seating, computers, and internet facilities.